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Wild Botanicals Bug Off Shake and Spray is an amazing repellant and has a great natural scent. A DEET free natural formula repels mosquitoes. The EPA (environmental protection agency) has approved Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil to repel mosquitoes, biting flies, and gnats.

Farmers, hikers, and campers alike have recommended this product to there friends and families without hesitation. It is my number one seller at my local farmers market. 

Do not get in eyes. Do not apply on face or hands of small children." and "Do not spray directly on or near face. Instead, spray in palm of hand and spread on face and neck.

Great for most ages. 
I would not recommend using under one year of age without consulting with your doctor.

Ingredients: Witch Hazel, Essential Oils, Sunflower Oil, Castor Oil

4oz Bug Off Shake and Spray

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